Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

If you watched The Office last night then you learned that Angela bought a very expensive cat with the money she got by selling her engagement ring on eBay. The employees who learned about the sale were a little surprised that she sold the ring after Andy called off her engagement because she was having an affair with Dwight.

Here are some guidelines on what to do with an engagement ring if the wedding is called off:

1 – If it’s a bride family heirloom then the bride (her family) keep it

2 – If it’s a groom family heirloom then the groom (his family) get it back

3 – If the bride paid for it she gets to keep it and do with it what she wants

4 – If the groom bought the ring the bride should return it to him, regardless of why the wedding was called off. However, if the groom insists that the bride keep it, she can and she can do with it what she wants.

Hopefully none of you will ever have to be in this situation, but if you are, now you know what you should and shouldn’t do regarding the ring. As for gifts you received for your engagement, those should be returned to the gift givers.

Sorry to write a pessimistic post on the day before Valentine’s Day, but after watching The Office last night I just thought it was something that should be mentioned… just in case.


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