Friday, January 07, 2011

Wedding Cakes and Alternative Dessert Options

Wedding cakes are the centerpiece of your wedding reception. They are usually on display -- in a prominent spot -- throughout the evening, but if there's another sweet you'd prefer to serve your wedding guests, a wedding cake is not your only option.

Cupcakes have become very popular over the past five years as the wedding cake alterative of choice, but you can also serve pies, cookies, donuts or another dessert favorite at the end of the night.

And serving an "untraditional" wedding dessert doesn't mean you have to forgo the wedding cake completely. Have your caterer or baker make a small three-tiered wedding cake for you to cut before the dessert course. It will make a great photo-op and instead of serving it at your reception you can have each tier frozen to enjoy on your wedding anniversary.


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