Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guest Room Goodies

If you have guests coming in from out of town it's customary to leave a guest room gift for them at their hotel.

A guest room gift can be a simple or elaborate package depending on how much you want to spend and how many items you want to include. Your guests will appreciate anything you have waiting for them so don't think you need to spend a fortune.

In addition to information on weekend events - the rehearsal dinner, golf outings, post-wedding brunch - you should also include a welcome note from the bride and groom and a small token gift.

When trying to decide what the gift the should be, remember that food is always a favorite. You can choose something you and your fiance enjoy, a local treat or a food or beverage that compliments the wedding location. Here are a few ideas:

Atlanta = Peaches
Arizona = Arizona Ice Tea
Atlantic City = Taffy
New York City = "Big Apple" Cookies
San Francisco = Ghirardelli Chocolates
Ski Resort = Hot Cocoa Mix and Marshmallows

The caramels pictured above are from Route 29 Napa, and at $6 a box they are not only delicious but affordable too.


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