This weekend was the first B-List Conference for bridal bloggers. The event brought together bloggers from across the country to talk about being a wedding blogger and to get to know one another. (Most of us have emailed and of course read each other’s blogs but never actually met before.)
We had a chance to chat at Galapagos Art Space in DUMBO and then invited local New York, tri-state area wedding vendors to join us for drinks, a catered lunch (provided by Sterling Affair and wedding cake (care of Mark Joseph Cakes in Brooklyn). In the age of emails, twitter and texting it was nice to put faces with the names of all the businesses we’ve featured on our blogs over the years. We also attended a wine tasting sponsored by Brides.com and produced by Swirl Events.
The B-List members have started a blog, The B-List, where brides, vendors and fellow wedding bloggers can learn more about the vendors that were involved in making this event possible as well as future events coming up across the country.
I for one had a great time meeting so many fabulous bloggers whose work I’ve admired over the years and who I can’t wait to see again! And since I won’t leave any post without a helpful Wedding Planning Tip, here’s one on bridal blogs:
Reading bridal blogs can really help you plan your wedding. There are blogs that are filled with inspiration, blogs that are filled with planning advice and blogs that allow a bride to join a community where she can interact with other brides. There are over 100 bridal blogs that you can follow but the truth is, you really don’t have time to read every blog every day. So here’s an idea: You can use Google Reader to help you organize and skim the list of posts at your favorite blogs or you can categorize your favorite blogs in your bookmarks toolbar: Inspiration, Real Weddings, Planning Tips, Community, Local Resources, etc… and skim each folder a few times a week.
Remember to print out ideas and information that you think will come in handy and save everything in your wedding orgaznizer so you can bring them with you to appointments.
*The B-List logo was designed by Erica from Thoughtful Day, and group photo by Jenny Ebert