Wedding Planning Tip - Remember when you buy a wedding dress at a sample sale, the first thing you need to do is get it cleaned.
Don’t just drop it off at your local dry cleaner, unless you know someone who has used them for their wedding dress and they were happy with the outcome. A gown preservationist/cleaner has experience handling gowns made from delicate fabrics and adorned with beading and embroidery.
If you don’t know the name of a reputable company ask the salon where you bought the dress to recommend one.
Once you get the gown back you can take it for alterations. Since a sample sale dress will most likely not be altered at the salon where you bought it, you’ll have to ask the store for recommendations for a seamstress.
Here are my recommendations for gown preservationists:
Hallak Cleaners
Imperial Gown Restoration
J. Scheer & Co
All three companies work on the national level.