Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Don't Flash Your Guests

I was searching youtube for a specific wedding video I had seen a few weeks back for a story on and came across this first dance.

The couple does a traditional dance and then it evolved into a few other dances - sort of like an evolution of a dance.  But what caught my eye was two things:

  1. She pulled her strapless dress up a few times to prevent from flashing their guests 
  2. and
  3. She kept slipping and stepping on her train
When having your alterations done it's very important that your bodice fits tight enough so that you don't even have to worry about a flasher moment - granted some of her moves are not traditionally done at a wedding.  Try jumping up and down during your fittings to see if and how much the bodice slips - if it does you may need to have it taken in a little bit more.

And to prevent stepping or slipping on your train - for you, your groom and your guests - it's very important to have a your skirt bustled.  You'll feel so much more comfortable and be able to move around with ease on the dance floor and when chatting with guests if you have your seamstress add a bustle.

Remember to have a friend come with you to your final fitting to learn how to bustle your wedding dress - you probably won't be able to do it yourself.

And if someone doe step on your skirt - bustled or not - here's some expert advice on what to do.

Here's the video that inspired me to write this post:


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